Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Primitive-ish Night

I have a good reason for missing yesterday's electricity.  One of the joys of having a house in rural Mexico is the possibility of power or water outages.  Yesterday we got blessed with the double whammy, a power outage that lasted for hours and resulted in us using up our water reserve.  No electricity equals no replenished water pila.

The kids took full advantage of the outage and had me roasting hot dogs on a campfire we built in the front yard.  The hot dog roasting took forever so luckily we still had gas  and were able to salvage dinner with a meal of boiled hot dogs and pasta salad which I thankfully had prepared earlier in the day.  All in all it turned out to be a fun night with everyone sitting around talking instead of having their attention focused on a TV or iPad.

Oh, and the stars, wow.  With the entire town cloaked in darkness, the stars covered every square inch of the sky.  Our city-dwelling kids, and the adults, were star struck in the true sense of the word.

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