It's amazing how comfortable you can become with something without even realizing it. We've been coming to the town of Los Barriles for about seven years. About an hour and a half north of here are two little towns, San Antonio and El Triunfo. We've driven past the towns several times but have never stopped to check them out. Yesterday we decided to hire a driver to take us to Todos Santos. On our way there we decided to stop off at San Antonio and El Triunfo just to check them out and take pictures of the kids. We ended up spending two hours exploring these little towns and discovered a great little restaurant, amazing architecture, and the most random piano museum. Oh, and the pictures were amazing. Here's one of my favorites of M.

Once we made it to Todos Santos, we had lunch at Tequila Sunrise. It was a bit pricy, but soooo delicious! We then headed to the beach where we witnessed fishermen preparing their catch and got a real crash course in the beauty and brutality that's involved in the fishing industry. I'm thinking that M is probably the only kid in her class that saw a decapitated hammerhead shark on vacation!
In all, we ended up spending less time in Todos Santos then we did in our side trip stops. Sometimes the best things are right under your nose, you just have to step out of your comfort zone a little bit to see them.
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